A cell phone pocket plus another two section pocket help keep your purse organized. A zipper top keeps all your valuables safely tucked inside. Set aside your afternoon to craft this adorable bag you will use again and again!

⅔ yard main fabric
⅔ yard coordinating fabric
⅛ yard second coordination fabric (for ruffle)
1 ½ yard medium weight fusible interfacing (such as Pellon Shape-Flex SF101)
⅛ yard (or 2- 1 ⅛” x 20” strips)heavy weight interfacing (such as Pellon Peltex)
4- 1 inch grommets (such as Dritz plastic curtain grommets)
1- 12 inch zipper
Double-sided tape (Such as Dritz WashAway Wonder Tape)
All seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise noted.
Cutting out Pattern Pieces
Seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise noted
Cut out the main pattern piece from the last page of the pattern.
From the main fabric cut:
2 main panels on the fold
2 lining panels on the fold
From the coordinating fabric cut:
4 top bands 3 ¼” x 12”
1 cell phone pocket 5” x 10 ½”
2 pocket panels on the fold
1 handle 4 ½” x 44”
From the second coordinating fabric cut:
2 strips 3” x 21”
From the medium weight interfacing cut:
2 main panels on the fold
2 lining panels on the fold
4 top bands 3 ¼” x 12”
1 cell phone pocket 5” x 10 ½”
1 pocket panel on the fold
From the heavy weight interfacing cut:
2 handle insert 1 ⅛” x 20”
Fuse the medium weight interfacing to the wrong side of each pattern
piece following the manufacturer’s instructions. The 3” x 21” strips for the ruffle and one pocket panel do not have interfacing. Set the handle and interfacing insert aside.
Transfer the two dots from the main pattern piece onto the main exterior panels.

Sewing the Exterior Body
Seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise notedSew a ¼” gathering stitch across the top of one main exterior panel. Sew another gathering stitch along the bottom between the two dots (transferred in step 1).

Carefully gather the top of the main panel to match the size of the top band (12 inches long). Slightly gather along the bottom until the gathered portion is around 8” long.

Sew the gathered top of the main panel to the top band with right sides together. Press the seam allowance towards the top band.Repeat step 2 with second main exterior panel and top band.

Making the Ruffle Strip
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedTake one 3” x 21” strip of fabric for the ruffle. Fold in half lengthwise matching right sides together. Sew a ¼” seam stitching the fabric closed. This forms a tube.

Use a pin or turning tool to turn the tube right side out. Press the tube flat with the seam in the middle.

Sew a gathering stitch in the middle of the tube. Carefully pull threads to ruffle. (Or use a ruffler attachment). Gather until you reach to desired amount of ruffles or until the strip is 12”.

Pin the ruffle strip onto the main exterior panel between the top band and the lower main panel covering the seam line. Sew across the center of the ruffle strip following your previous stitching line.Repeat step 3 with the second strip and main panel.

Sewing the Pocket Panel
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedTake both pocket panel pieces and with right sides together sew across the top of the pocket panels.(One of pocket panel is not interfaced. If you wish for a sturdier pocket interface both pocket panel pieces.)

Turn right side out and press. Topstitch across the top edge of the panel.

Pin the pocket to the lining panel matching the bottom edges. Baste (¼” seam) the pocket onto the lining panel by stitching around the edge of the pocket.

Fold lining panel in half matching the curved edges and lightly press. Starting at the top of the pocket, stitch a straight line down the length of the pocket following the crease you made. This divides the pocket into two sections. (You can also draw a line using chalk or disappearing fabric marker.)

Sewing the Cell Phone Pocket
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedTake the cell phone pocket (5” x 10 ½”) and fold in half with right sides together matching the short edges. Sew (¼” seam) around the pocket, starting with one edge and leaving a 1 ½” hole at the bottom. Carefully, clip the corners to reduce bulk.

Turn inside out through the hole in the bottom. Press flat. Topstitch across the top of the pocket.

Fold the pocket in half lengthwise. At the bottom sew a ½” seam along the fold stitching a length of 3/4”. This will make a pleat at the bottom of the pocket.

Press the pleat flat. On the remaining lining panel, place the top of the cell phone pocket 1” down from the top of the panel and 3” in from the right of the panel. Carefully pin the pocket shaping into a rectangle, making sure to square up the edges. If needed draw lines using chalk or disappearing fabric marker. Sew down one side, across the bottom and up the other side securing the cell phone pocket to the lining panel.

Sewing the Lining Panels
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedSew one of the top bands to the lining panel with the cell phone pocket. Press the seam allowance towards the top band.

Topstitch across on the top band near the seam.

Repeat with the remaining top band and lining panel.

Sewing the Zipper
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedOn the right side of the zipper place a strip of double sided tape the length of the zipper close to one edge.Note: Not all double sided tapes will work. Pick a tape that can be sewn through and will wash away, such as Dritz WashAway Wonder Tape

Peel off the top side of the tape and center the zipper along the top edge of one main panel. Be sure that the front of the zipper is facing down.

Place another strip of double sided tape on the top edge of the zipper back.

Peel the top side of the tape off. Place one lining panel right side down matching the top of the lining panel with the top edge of the zipper back. This will create a sandwich with the zipper between the main and the lining panels.

Sewing the Zipper cont.
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedStitch ⅛” from the coils of the zipper along the top edge of the panels.

Press the lining and main panels away from the zipper. Place the lining and main panels wrong sides together.

Carefully topstitch across the top of the panels starting and stopping ½” from each edge. Pin before sewing to be sure the lining does not slip while sewing.

Repeat step 7 with other main and lining panels to sew onto the opposite side of the zipper.

Cutting the Grommet Holes
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedWith your panels lying flat, measure and mark 2 ¼” in from each side of the top band and 1 ⅛” down from the zipper. Repeat with all four edges. Using your template, place the center of the circle on the mark. Draw around the circle in the template.
Note: A template may come with your grommets. If you have no template, center your grommet around the mark and draw a circle around the inside of the grommet. When cutting out the circle cut just a bit bigger than the circle you have drawn.

Pin to be sure that the fabric does not slide; we need the fabric to lie as flat as possible. Carefully cut out the circles drawn, cutting through both layers.

Sewing the Bag Together
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedTurn the bag so that the main panels are right sides together and the lining panels are right sides together. Pin in place. Adjust the gathers at the bottom of the main panels to ensure the edges match.

Sew two separate seams. Starting from just below the zipper of the main panel stitch along the edge following the curve and ending just below the zipper on the opposite side. Repeat for the lining panels leaving a 3-4” hole at the bottom.

Clip the seam allowance along the curve, being careful not to clip the stitching. Turn the bag right side out through the hole in the lining.

Match the grommet holes made in step 8so the lining and main panels align. Insert grommets according to manufacturer’s instructions. (If using Dritz plastic curtain grommets, simply snap together).

Sewing the Handles
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedTake the 4 ½” x 44” handle strip and fold in half lengthwise with wrong sides together. Iron along the folded edge.

Open and fold each long edge into the middle. Press.

Take the two strips of Peltex and match the short ends. Zigzag stitch along the matching short ends to secure them together.

Insert the Peltex strip under one of the folded edge. Center strip in the handle.

Sewing the Handles cont.
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedFold each short end of the handle down ½” and press. Fold in half lengthwise to match the folded edges. Press.

Edgestitch down the open edge of the handle, stitching it closed. This is easiest if the Peltex side of the handle is facing up.

Edgestitch the opposite folded edge of the handle.Edgestitch across both short ends of the handle.

Measure in from each end of the handle 5 ½” and mark.

Attaching the Handles
Seam allowances are ½”unless otherwise notedLoop one end of the handle through both grommets on one side. Match the end the of handle with the mark made in step 10. Pin and sew on top of the previous stitching line.

Repeat to attach the other end of the handle to the remaining pair of grommets, being careful not to twist the handle.

Hand stitch the hole in the lining closed.

Place your finished adorable handbag over your shoulder and stroll around town!

Pattern bag

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