Patchwork Quilt 'Transparency' Tutorial

Spring flowers wall hanging. Patchwork Tutorial

I enjoy drawing and painting, particularly flowers, and have many designs I’ve drawn but have yet to use, so this small wall hanging was an opportunity to put some little flower designs to good use as applique. Tulips, daffodils and pansies are a welcome sight in my garden in the spring and the sunny colours remind me that winter is over.
Patchwork in a Nutshell. Tutorial

It is advisable to use 100% cotton fabric if the item is to be laundered. Ideally fabrics should be washed and pressed before using. This allows for shrinkage and colourfastness. If the colour bleeds when the fabric is washed, rinse repeatedly until the water runs clear and, if necessary, soak in a solution of 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar. If the dye still runs, discard the fabric. To check that a fabric is colourfast, dampen and lay it on top of a white cotton fabric and press. Check for any dye transferred to the white fabric.
Bag with round handles tutorial

This summer bag is knitted of stiff twine for weaving eight different colors. The twine gives a light, free knitting shape, but the bag is very openwork and therefore needs a lining and an additional frame, which is created by lightning and rigid handles. Decorative loops (fringe) are easy to make with a hook.
Cylindrical Rainbow Bag - crochet tutorial

Bag with insert and beadwork tutorial

Patchwork Bag Crazy Tutorial

To begin with, you will have to take apart the flaps, sort them by type of fabric and determine which ones are suitable for your work. Iron all flaps with an iron so that you can immediately see their shape and maximum size.
How to sew a bag in the style of patchwork

“Patchwork” is sewing from scraps of different colors, sizes and textures. Bags in the style of “patchwork” are a trendy trend, especially if the details of the “patchwork” are added to the decor of outerwear (for example, sew patchwork on jeans at the hip and bottom, on the back and shelves of a denim jacket, etc.).
Как сшить мужской жилет

В этом материале показаны основные правила измерения мужской фигуры, а также дается пошаговое построение конструкции жилета. Все чертежи выполнены без припусков на швы.
Декоративные элементы в швейных изделиях

Для декорирования швейного изделия можно использовать практически все, что есть под рукой: бусины, тесьму, ленты, остатки материалов.