Finished size
Approx 173 x 213.5cm (68 x 84in), excluding binding
Fabrics used are from Makower UK’s Cats and Spectrum ranges. Requirements are based on a usable width of 107cm (42in).
- One fat quarter of Cats Crowd 1451/1, fabric A
- One fat quarter of Cats Scatter 1452/W, fabric B
- One fat quarter of Cats Birdcages 1453/S, fabric C
- One fat quarter of Cats Birdcages 1453/T, fabric D
- One fat quarter of Cats Mice 1454/W, fabric E
- One fat quarter of Cats Flower 1455/P, fabric F
- One fat quarter of Cats Fish Bones 1457/P, fabric G
- One fat quarter of Cats Fish Bones 1457/T, fabric H
- 2m (2 1/4yd) Spectrum Vintage Blue 2000/T64, fabric I
- 1.6m (1 3/4yd) Spectrum White 2000/W01, fabric J
- 60cm (5/8yd) Cats Stripe 1313/T4 for binding (see ‘Cutting instructions’ Step 5)
- 183 x 223.5cm (72 x 88in) backing fabric; Cats Scatter 1452/S has been used here
- 183 x 223.5cm (72 x 88in) wadding
- Threads for piecing and quilting
All measurements include 1/4in seam allowances, unless otherwise stated.

1. From each of fabrics B and E cut the following pieces:
- Eight 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in strips: logs 1 and 2 for whole blocks
- Eight 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips: logs 3 and 4 for whole blocks
Cut each fat quarter as follows: cut five 2 1/2in wide strips across the width of the fat quarter. From one strip cut four 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in strips; from each of the four remaining strips cut one 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in strip and two 2 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips.
2. From each of fabrics A, C, D and F–H cut the following pieces:
- Two 2 1/2 x 3 1/2in strips: logs 3 and 4 for part-blocks
- Nine 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in strips: logs 1 and 2 for whole blocks, log 2 for part-blocks
- Eight 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips: logs 3 and 4 for whole blocks
Cut each fat quarter as follows: cut six 2 1/2in wide strips across the width of the fat quarter. Cut five of the strips as described in Step 1; from the remaining strip cut two 2 1/2in strips and one 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in strip.
3. From fabric I (Vintage Blue) cut the following pieces:
- Three 4 1/2 in wide strips cut across the width of the fabric and subcut to give twenty 4 1/2in squares: C for whole blocks
- Forty 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips: logs 5 and 6 for whole blocks
- Fifty-five 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips: forty for logs 7 and 8 for whole blocks, fifteen for sashing
Cut the 2 1/2in wide pieces as follows: cut twenty-five 2 1/2in wide strips across the width of the fabric. Subcut twenty of the strips to give two 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips and two 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips from each one; subcut the five remaining strips to give three 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips from each one.
4. From fabric J (White) cut the following pieces:
- Two 4 1/2in wide strips cut across the width of the fabric and subcut to give twelve 4 1/2in squares: C for whole blocks
- From the leftover 4 1/2in wide strips, cut six 1 1/2 x 4 1/2in strips: log 1 of part-blocks
- Twelve 2 1/2 x 5 1/2in strips: logs 6 and 7 of part-blocks
- Thirty 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in strips: twenty-four for logs 5 and 6 of whole blocks, six for log 5 of part-blocks
- Forty 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips: twenty-four for logs 7 and 8 of whole blocks, sixteen for sashing
Cut the 2 1/2in wide pieces as follows: cut twenty 2 1/2in wide strips across the width of the fabric. Subcut fifteen of the strips to give two 2 1/2 x 8?in strips and two 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips from each one; subcut three of the strips to give three 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strips from each one; subcut one of the strips to give one 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in strip and five 2 1/2 x 5 1/2in strips; subcut the remaining strip to give seven 2 1/2 x 5 1/2 in strips.
5. From the binding fabric cut eight 2 1/2in wide strips across the width of the fabric. Note that the stripe in the print used here runs along the length of the fabric, i.e. parallel to the selvedge, and that the strips for the binding are cut across the width. If you use a striped fabric where the print runs across the width of the fabric then you will not get the same effect.
1. The quilt top is made up of twenty fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric I (Vintage Blue) whole blocks, twelve fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric J (White) whole blocks and six fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric J (White) part-blocks.
2. You need to make the following fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric I (Vintage Blue) whole blocks:
- Three fabric A/fabric I
- Four fabric B/fabric I
- Two fabric C/fabric I
- Four fabric E/fabric I
- Three fabric F/fabric I
- Four fabric G/fabric I
There are no fabric D/fabric I or fabric H/fabric I whole blocks.
3. You need to make the following fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric J (White) whole blocks:
- One fabric A/fabric J
- Two fabric C/fabric J
- Four fabric D/fabric J
- One fabric F/fabric J
- Four fabric H/fabric J
There are no fabric B/fabric J, fabric E/fabric J or fabric G/fabric J whole blocks.
4. You need to make the following fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric J (White) part-blocks:
- One fabric A/fabric J
- One fabric C/fabric J
- One fabric D/fabric J
- One fabric F/fabric J
- One fabric G/fabric J
- One fabric H/fabric J
There are no fabric B/fabric J or fabric E/fabric J part-blocks.
1. For one block you need the following pieces:
- One 4 1/2in fabric I square: C
- Two 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in fabric A–H strips: logs 1 and 2
- Two 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in fabric A–H strips: logs 3 and 4
- Two 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in fabric I strips: logs 5 and 6
- Two 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in fabric I strips: logs 7 and 8
2. To make a block, join logs 1 and 2 to each side of C; join logs 3 and 4 to the top and bottom; join logs 5 and 6 to each side; join logs 7 and 8 to the top and bottom. Press the seams outwards each time. The block should measure 12 1/2in square (unfinished). See Fig 1.
3. Referring to ‘The blocks’ Step 2, make the twenty fabric A–H/fabric I whole blocks required for the quilt top.

1. For one block you need the following pieces:
- One 4 1/2in fabric J square: C
- Two 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in fabric A–H strips: logs 1 and 2
- Two 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in fabric A–H strips: logs 3 and 4
- Two 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in fabric J strips: logs 5 and 6
- Two 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in fabric J strips: logs 7 and 8
2. To make a block, join logs 1 and 2 to each side of C; join logs 3 and 4 to the top and bottom; join logs 5 and 6 to each side; join logs 7 and 8 to the top and bottom. Press the seams outwards each time. The block should measure 12 1/2in square (unfinished). See Fig 2.
3. Referring to ‘The blocks’ Step 3, make the twelve fabric A–H/fabric J whole blocks required for the quilt top.
1. For one part-block you need the following pieces:
- One 1 1/2 x 4 1/2in fabric J strip: log 1
- One 2 1/2 x 4 1/2in fabric A–H strip: log 2
- Two 2 1/2 x 3 1/2in fabric A–H strips: logs 3 and 4
- One 2 1/2 x 8 1/2in fabric J strip: log 5
- Two 2 1/2 x 5 1/2in fabric J strips: logs 6 and 7
2. To make a part-block for the left-hand side of the quilt: join log 2 to the right-hand side log 1; join logs 3 and 4 to the top and bottom; join log 5 to the right-hand side; join logs 6 and 7 to the top and bottom. Press the seams outwards each time. The part-block should measure 5 1/2 x 12 1/2in (unfinished). See Fig 3.
3. You need to make one fabric A/fabric J, one fabric D/fabric J and one fabric G/ fabric J left-hand side part-block.
4. To make a part-block for the righthand side of the quilt: join log 2 to the left-hand side log 1; join logs 3 and 4 to the top and bottom; join log 5 to the left-hand side; join logs 6 and 7 to the top and bottom. Press the seams outwards each time. The part-block should measure 5 1/2 x 12 1/2in (unfinished). See Fig 4.
5. You need to make one fabric C/fabric J, one fabric F/fabric J and one fabric H/fabric J right-hand side part-block.
1. The quilt top is made up of seven rows. Rows 1, 3, 5 and 7 comprise five fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric I (Vintage Blue) whole blocks and four 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in fabric J (White) sashing strips which are placed between the blocks. Rows 2, 4 and 6 comprise four fabric A–H (Cats)/fabric J (White) whole blocks, a left-hand partblock on the left-hand end, a right-hand part-block on the right-hand end and five 2 1/2 x 12 1/2in fabric I (Vintage Blue) sashing strips which are placed between the blocks and part-blocks. See Fig 5.
2. Referring to Fig 5 for placement, arrange your blocks, part-blocks and sashing strips into rows. Join the blocks, part-blocks and sashing strips; as seams of alternate rows will not meet, it doesn’t matter in which direction you press the seams.
3. Join the rows to complete the quilt top, which should measure 68 1/2 x 84 1/2in (unfinished).

1. Give your quilt top and backing a good press. Layer the quilt by placing the backing fabric wrong side up on a clean ? at surface, followed by the wadding and then the quilt top, centrally and right side up; the backing and wadding are slightly larger than the quilt top. Working from the centre outwards, pin with quilters’ safety pins or tack to secure.
2. Quilt as desired by hand or machine. Whatever design you use, so that the quilt lies flat, try to have an even amount of stitching over the whole quilt surface.
3. When you have finished quilting, trim the excess backing and wadding level with the quilt top edges.
4. Join your binding strips at right angles, pressing the seams open to reduce bulk. Trim away the ‘ears’ and fold the strip in half lengthwise, wrong sides together, and press.
5. Working from the right side and starting part way down one edge, match the raw edges of the binding to the raw edges of the quilt and sew in place, folding a mitre at each corner. Before completing your stitching, neaten the short raw end of the starting piece and insert the ending piece into it. Fold the binding over to the back of the quilt and neatly slipstitch in place by hand.
6. Add a label, including at least your name, location and the date the quilt was made.
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