Mesure and cut all the different pieces.
Iron-fuse the ones that need to be (Personnally I always cut the fusing 1cm around shorter)
Vous veYou’ll notice I first prepare each part of the bag and them put it all together.
The Outside zippered pocket:

• Draw a line 3cm away from one of the large sides (PH1)
• Point the center and, on each side, at 12,5cm, marrk both ends of the zipper (1cm lines)
• 5mm higher and 5mm lower than the first line, draw 2 parrallel lines to the end of the zipper markers
• draw a triangle at each end (PH2)
2. Cut along these marks (center lines + corners) (PH3)
3. Iron the edges towards the wrong side of the fabric (PH4)
4. Turn the fabric around (right side is up) and pin the zipper in that hole (PH5)
5. Sew all around the zipper with the special foot (PH6)

7. Pin the pocket right side up on the right side of th body - 7cm lower than one of the short edges - this will become the back of
the bag (PH7 et PH8)
8. Topstitch the pocket tightly (PH9)
A. the strap fasteners

2. Pin and sew the large edge
3. Turn around and iron flat
4. Fold that strip in 2 and - with your iron - fold both small edges to the inside. Hold so with a pin and put them aside for now
B. The strap

2. Turn around
3. Iron flat and turn both small edges to the inside
4. Topstitch all around (PH13)
5. Put aside for now
The inside pocket:

2. Put the fabric strip on the body of the bag - both right sides facing up (PH16) - at 6cm from the top of the bag (see photo). Pin
both sides and the lower edge
3. Sew these 3 sides. Leave the top large side opened! (PH17)
4. Draw the pocket subdivisions you want to make and sew them tightly (I sew them twice to make sure) (PH18 et 19)
(2-3cm on each side can’t be counted in those subdivisions as they will be taken in the bag’s sides)
here’s how I divided the pocket:

2. Using the largest stich of your machine, sew a line 3mm parrallel to one of the large edges (PH21) (Leave long threads at both
3. Pull on one of the threads to gather the fabric until it is 35cm wide - Make sure the ruffles are even
4. pin and sew that ruffled edge on the 35x12cm strip (PH22) right sides facing (it is easier to sew and control with the ruffled peice
on top)
5. Iron to fold the remaining edge unther the 35x12cm strip that will become the top of the bag
6. Topstitch (PH23)
7. Pin and sew the other edge of that strip on the body of the bag, right sides facing - above the zippered pocket (PH24) and making
sure to align the center of both fabric pieces. The body of the bag should be 5cm larger on both sides og the flap
8. Iron to fold the remaining edge unther the top of the bag and topstitch (PH25)
(I forgot to tak more pics - sorry about that!!!)

b. On the inside fabric, the other part of the magnet must be - centered widely on the flap (trapeze) and 7cm away from the largest edge of the trapeze (PH27)

2. Flatten both bottom corners aligning the stitch line with the bottom of the bag line (PH29)
3. Draw a line, perpandicular to that stich - 5cm away from the corner (PH29)
4. Sew following that line and cut the fabric at 1cm (PH30)
5. Do the sam with the second corner
This will give the bag its shape and thickness (PH31 inside oud et PH32 oustside out )

1. Slide one ring between both sides of the strips we made earlier (PH33)
2. Pin the folded strips to the bag. The ring must be on top.And the top of the strip(without counting the ring) must be 3cm lower
that the top of the bag (PH34). Sew super tight as seen on picture 34.
Making the inside part:

Putting it all together:

2. Sew all around following your pins (PH39 et 40)
3. Turn the bag around through the openning you left in one of the side of the lining (PH41 et 42). Make sure the corners of the flap are well straight (push with a pen)
4. Put the lining in the bag (PH43). Iron all around to flatten the edges and pin (PH44)
5. Topstitch all around - 3mm from the edge (PH45 et 46)
6. Close the opening in the lining (PH47)
The bag is done now.All there is left to do is assemble the strap...
The strap:

It is much easier to do if your work ‘flat’ on the table. Make also sure all along the process not to twist the strap on itself!
1 With the bag lying flat in fronty of you - the back being up - slip the strap in the left ring of the bag. The lining is on top. Pull about 20cm through the ring
2 Take both remaining rings and attach them together as on the PH48). Pin the fabric around them
3 Slip the other edge through both rings. The lining side should be on top (PH49)
4. While forming a loop, slip the strap again in the second ring only (PH50).
5 Pull to flatten (PH51).
6. Pull the edge all the way to the ring at the right of the bag. Make still sure not to twist the fabric - The outside fabric should now be on top. Slip 3cm in the ring, from the outside to the inside, fold and pin - lining on lining (PH52).
7. Sew both edges with a super tight zig-zag stitch (PH53 et 55).
The strap is now done and adjustable! (PH55)

I hope you like it!

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