We knit a shawl with our hands. Arm Knitting Tutorial

Вяжем шаль руками. Shawl  Arm Knitting
The technique of hand knitting (in English - Arm Knitting) is unique. In order to do a beautiful thing, you need nothing but balls of yarn!
This shawl has many options for wearing: you can just cover your shoulders with it, wrap it around your neck, wear it on a waistcoat, passing your hands from the sides, or even like a tunic over a thin sundress.

Backpack Sumashiki.Bag transformer Tutorial

Рюкзак сумашики. Backpack sumashiki


- double-sided fabric measuring 150 x 150 cm

- organizer

- two rings

Bag of scarf tutorial

Bag of scarf tutorial
This charming summer transformer bag is called a sumashika and is made of a dense shawl. A pair of knots and a stylish accessory is ready!

How to Make Patchwork Clutch Bag. Tutorial

Patchwork Clutch
With summer set for a seventies’ fashion revival this fab bag uses up the best of your fabric stash and accessorises denim or suede perfectly!

Elephantastic! How to Sew an Elephant? Tutorial

How to make the elephants
Once you get the hang of it, these elephants are super-easy to create and make the most amazing home decoration!

Zippered Bag Patchwork. Sewing Tutorial

Zippered Bag
Skinny insert strips

Walk in the park. Quilt patchwork Tutorial

Walk in the park. Quilt patchwork
A simple yet graphic throw shows it’s possible to successfully combine wovens and prints.
A neutral solid marries the playful fabric mix.

Quilt. Every Little Bit. Tutorial

Turn what may seem like trash into a quilt you truly will treasure. The design will have you saving the smallest of leftovers to create the scrappy Churn Dash blocks.