The flower on the hat pattern

The flower on the hat pattern
To diversify the wardrobe of a young woman of fashion can be very simple. It is enough to make several different flowers and decorate them, for example, hats, dresses, headbands, etc.

Шаль «Нежная роза». Мастер-класс

 Shawl - Knit
200 г (400 м) пряжи Rowan Fine Lace (80% меринос), круговые спицы № 4,5 и длиной 60-70 см.

Шьем мешок-комбинезон для грудничка. Мастер-класс

Чтобы ножки малыша не мерзли во время прогулок в прохладную погоду, можно сшить специальный спальный мешок. Верхняя его часть ничем не отличается от классического детского комбинезона, а нижняя полностью обхватывает ноги, предотвращая к ним доступ холодного воздуха. Используя приложенную схему построения чертежа выкройки данного изделия, вы без труда сможете сшить спальный мешок для ребенка, сильно сэкономив на его покупке.

Конверт меховой зимний. Sleeping bag  for the baby

Sew a compact bag. DIY tutorial with patterns.

Handbags are different and they never happen much! Depending on the case and circumstances, the girl always picks up a special handbag for her outfit.

Beautiful bag - a sack of squares. Tutorial

Square Bag Tutorial
Sew the original bag - the task is not difficult and quite feasible. Today I want you, together with me, to make an interesting "sea" bag of simple fabric squares.

We sew a cute skirt for the summer. Tutorial

We sew a cute skirt for the summer. Tutorial

There are not many summer dresses. I want to wear something light and bright every day so that the summer mood never leaves you. Today I want to offer you to sew a cute and very cute skirt on your own, which will be an excellent component in your summer wardrobe.

We remake a T-shirt in a stylish tunic.

Did you know that from simple things, with the help of not complicated manipulations, you can make original and stylish? It turns out that this is not at all difficult, and today I want to show you this as an example. We will remake the usual, unremarkable T-shirt, which will “turn into a butterfly” and become a stylish tunic.

We remake a T-shirt in a stylish tunic.

We sew a beautiful raincoat quickly and simply.

 How to sew a poncho yourself from oilcloth

How to sew a poncho yourself from oilcloth

We sew summer shorts in an hour. Tutorial

Sewing summer shorts.
Children grow up very fast. As summer approaches, reviewing the child’s wardrobe, you understand that there will be practically nothing for him to wear. I propose a quick way out of the situation - let's sew simple, but cute shorts in just an hour.

Sew a simple skirt. DIY tutorial

After this tutorial you will understand that sewing can not even professionals and things turn out to be quite beautiful.
Шьем простую юбку. Sew a simple skirt. DIY tutorials

DIY Renovated old computer chair

Обновляем старый компьютерный стул
Everyone knows that there is nothing eternal, everything comes into disrepair and loses its appearance. So is the furniture in the house, over time it becomes less attractive and untidy. However, do not despair and run to the store, buy something new. I want to offer you a solution and teach you to give old furniture a second chance and a new life.

Прямоугольный плед баварской вязкой. мастер-класс

Красивый прямоугольный плед баварской вязкой
Вы что-нибудь слышали о баварской вязке? Я вот тоже узнала о ней совсем недавно. Оказывается с помощью этой простой техники вязания можно творить очень красивые вещи. Предлагаю сегодня связать интересный геометрический прямоугольный плед.--
Plaid Bavarian knitting

Knit crochet bag. Tutorial

вязаная крючком сумка.  Knit crochet bag
Beautiful bag made of hexagon motifs
  You can make a convenient and original handbag from different materials. Today I invite you to learn how to knit beautiful hexagon motifs from which you can make a cute knitted handbag.

Sew skirt old scarf tutorial

 Sew skirt old scarf tutorial

Original warm skirt from an old knitted scarf

Probably, many girls in the wardrobe had some, once very beloved, but no longer worn, knitted scarf. He warmed you so much that now it’s just a pity to part with him. I offer you an interesting solution to this question - let's sew an original warm skirt from this scarf ?! It is very simple and allows you to give your scarf a second life.

Case for tablet or phone. DIY Tutorial

Original cover for the tablet per hour

What are you wearing your mobile device? Today there are a lot of various mobile storage devices, but I want to offer you a special option - you can make a stylish cover in an hour, with your own hands.

Чехол для планшета. Case for tablet

Openwork women's top tutorial

Today I suggest you sew on your own a cute and cute openwork cotton top.

Openwork women's top tutorial

How to sew a skirt in an hour. Tutorial

Flirty black skirt in an hour
How often, looking into your wardrobe, you do not find what to wear today? This problem is familiar to every girl. The lack of clothing or variety in the wardrobe is easy to fix. Today I want to show you how to quickly and very simply sew a nice and charming skirt that you can wear to a party, a walk or any other occasion.

How to sew a skirt in an hour. Tutorial

Crochet wavy bright plaid tutorial

Crochet wavy bright plaid tutorial

Knit the original plaid under the force of anyone who at least once held a hook in his hands. The bedspread can be made from knitted motifs or knitted with a single piece of cloth. I will show the whole process of knitting a bright, striped, zigzag plaid crochet, with my own hands.

Джинсы для малыша, шьем сами. Мастер-класс

В данном мастер-классе подробно описан процесс шитья джинсовых штанишек для годовалого ребенка из старых джинс. Имеется выкройка и подробные фото.

Джинсы для ребенка.  Jeans year-old child, sew yourself.

Passport Cover Tutorial

Passport Cover Tutorial

Let’s take a lesson in leather hand sewing that we can use for a passport cover or just about any small case-like thing you can think of. Hand sewing leather is easy, but a few key steps will make it even easier.