Barrette Butterfly leather. DIY step-by-step tutorials

Barrette Butterfly leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Barrette Butterfly leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Soft toy Bunny sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials

 Soft toy Bunny sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials
Materials and tools:

socks with a high cuff - 1 pair;

filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, cotton wool);

pink felt;


cotton sewing threads;

thick kapron thread;

needles are short and long;




Soft toy "Bunny" sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere flowers leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere flowers leather DIY step-by-step tutorials
Necessary materials and tools:

• acrylic paints (blue and white), synthetic brush, palette

• leather (black, gray and green), glue, dry fuel tablets

• scissors, brooch clasp, beads, punch

• wire, acetone, scissors

Уроки по шитью. Обработка прямых и закругленных углов.

Сегодняшний урок мне хотелось бы посвятить процессу, который используется при шитье практически любой одежды: пиджаков, рубашек, брюк, верхней одежды... Это обработка прямых и скругленных углов. Приступим к работе.

В нашем примере один край будет выполнен под углом 90 градусов, а другой угол будет сделан полукругом. Берем две детали, складываем их лицевой стороной внутрь. С помощью иголки с ниткой соединяем эти детали на расстоянии 1 см от края. Лучше это делать на твердой плоской поверхности, а не на весуэто предотвратит их смещение относительно друг друга.

Tutorials sewing. Processing lines and rounded corners.

Flower kanzashi. DIY step-by-step tutorials

Flower kanzashi. DIY step-by-step tutorials
Of course the flowers. They can decorate everything that your imagination will please. Just a few minutes of free time and voila, the flower is ready.

Hair Scrunchy with flower zipper tutorial

Scrunchy with flower zipper  step-by-step tutorials
Sometimes even the most nondescript parts of clothing can make an interesting and beautiful thing. For example, you can make various jewelry from a zipper. This idea is very popular now. In my master class, I will tell you how to make a flower out of old zippers.

Scrunchy with flower zipper  step-by-step tutorials

Flowers of satin organza

Flowers of satin organza  Flowers from fabric, a selection of photos. They can decorate a hairdress, create an ornament, decorate an interior, a wedding dress, a hat or a handbag.

Decoration of buttons

Button abundance! The simplest buttons in the skilled hands of craftsmen can turn into a wonderful decorative element. Buttons can "depict" anything you want -

Decoration of buttons

Fur-tree from buttons
Поделки из пуговиц | crafts made of buttons