Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along. Patchwork Tutorial

Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along. Patchwork Tutorial
 My pinwheel sampler quilt is my all time fav quilt.

I'm gonna teach yall how to make your very own pinwheel sampler quilt.
Pick ANY pinwheel block your heart desires. {make sure it's a block that finishes at 12"x12"}

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 5

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials
 Follow along in this tutorial to learn how to create the classic thread spool quilt

Sperm Whale Tilda Tutorial and Pattern

Sperm Whale Tilda Tutorial and Pattern
Well, how not to sew a sperm whale for a lover of the underwater world?! Such a simple and perfect pattern!

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 12

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials
 We’ve finally made it all the way to block 12. Congrats to those of you who’ve been spooling around from the very start and welcome to those who have recently joined us! I hope that all of you have been having fun with these blocks.

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 6

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials
 How to Make the Spool Quilt Block. 12 free Tutorial

How quickly sew a tunic?

Want to try the circle shirt? The easy version that only took a half hour to make?

Here is the tutorial:

Fleece Flower Petal Pillows DIY tutorial

Подушка из флиса. Fleece Flower Petal Pillows DIY tutorial
Fleece cushion in the form of a lush flower.

Slippers DIY tutorial

Slippers DIY tutorial
 How to make spa slippers out of a towel and flip-flops