How to make flowers out of denim?

Цветы из джинсовой ткани.  Flowers denim

Caps, hats and panama: Knit crochet

Caps, hats and panama: Knit crochet

We choose a beautiful yarn, we take a hook in hand and for a couple of evenings sitting at the TV, without any special effort we knit new headdresses.

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 4

How to Make the Spool Quilt Block
 How to Make the Spool Quilt Block | a Fabrics Quilting Tutorial

Sew Bag-Big Purse. DIY tutorial with patterns.

Сумка из ткани с выкройкой. Bag of cloth with patterns. DIY tutorial

Sew Bag-Big Purse.  DIY tutorial with patterns.

How to Sew a Pillow with Flowers. DIY tutorial

Как сшить подушку с розами?
How to sew a pillow and decorate it with roses?

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 9

Spool Quilt Block Tutorial and Pattern
 This easy Spool Quilt Block tutorial and pattern includes cutting instructions. Block #9

The Magic of Crazy Quilting

The Magic of Crazy Quilting: A Complete Resource for Embellished Quilting

Fancy Toy beads

игрушки из бисера. Fancy Toy beads

Besty Youngquist is the author of anthropomorphic sculptures made of modern and antique beads from around the world, pieces of antique porcelain dolls and glass eye prosthesis.