Patchwork Bag Tutorial.

Fast and easy tiny patchwork Sew Together Bag 

Patchwork Bag Tutorial. Сумка печворк

Little boxy pouch tutorial.

Patchwork Cube Bag. Сумочка-куб

Patchwork Cube Bag

Paintings in different techniques of patchwork.

Картины из кусочков ткани

Paintings in different techniques of patchwork Here and volumetric appliqué and quilt and patchwork and embroidery - the smallest details, rich colours.

Sew wallet - a purse. DIY tutorial.

Шьём кошелек - портмоне. Мастер-класс

Step by step instructions for sewing a small purse or wallet.

Pencil Box Fabric Patchwork. Sewing Craft Ideas

Pencil Box Fabric Patchwork. Сумочка-пенал для карандашей

Two-way Hat for women or girls.

Two-way Hat for women or girls. Двухстороняя шляпа.

Patchwork Bag style. Hexagon Appliqued Bag

Here's a fun little project (and fast!) involving appliqueing hexagons onto a canvas bag.

Fruit Bag. DIY step-by-step tutorial.

Fruit Bag. DIY step-by-step tutorial. Веселая сумка своими руками.