This case can be used for business cards, gift cards or as a pin cushion.
I first made this card case as a way to carry my business cards in my purse. It is also a nice way to present a gift card to someone and is small enough to tuck into a Christmas stocking.
Make two pattern pieces from cardboard in the following measurements:
A) 1 piece @ 4 ½ in. X 5 in.
B) 1 piece @ 4 ½ in. X 3 in.
Using pattern piece A) cut:
2 from main fabric
1 from batting
1 from heavy interfacing
Using pattern piece B) cut:
1 from coordinating fabric (fold this piece in half so that you now have a 1 ½ X 4 ½ in. rectangle). Press. This will be the pocket for the case.
You will also need to cut a 2 X 33in. strip of fabric for the binding and the tie.
Lay your pieces on the table as follows:
Fabric piece(A) wrong side up
Fabric piece(A) wrong side down
(you are essentially making a quilt sandwich with an added layer of interfacing)
Place the pocket along the bottom edge of the quilt sandwich, matching raw edges.
Pin all layers together.
Sew down the bottom edge of the pocket using 1/8 in. seam allowance.
Mark a line down the center of the quilt sandwich. Stitch along this line through all the layers.

Fold over one short end about ½ in. Press.
Fold each of the long edges in at ¼ in. Press.
Fold the whole strip in half lengthwise. Press.
Topstitch along the open edge of the strip.

Place the tie on the quilt sandwich on the opposite side of the pocket and the opposite end. Center it and pin in place. Sew in place using a 1/8" seam allowance.
Bind the quilt using your favourite method, making sure to sew in the tie.
Your card case is now complete!
This clever little case can be used in many different ways:

Also makes a great hostess gift, a gift for teachers with a little note from the kids tucked in.
Use it as a stocking stuffer or nestle it in the branches of your Christmas tree! You can even tuck a little secret note from Santa for the kids! The possibilities are endless...

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